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Unfortunately, you can’t smell, taste or hear anything in the internet. You can't hear right now how the oxtail is roasting in our oven.

Unfortunately, you can’t smell, taste or hear anything in the internet. You can't hear right now how the oxtail is roasting in our oven.

Or you can’t feel how the cool moun­tain air is descend­ing from the Hochkönig moun­tain into the val­ley, car­ry­ing with it the fresh scent of the forest. 

Or you can’t sense how you are wak­ing up rest­ed, and hun­gry for a Obauer Breakfast. 

If you like to enjoy the restau­rant-hotel Obauer with all your sens­es, an online vis­it is not enough.

AW OBAUER Armin Walcher10243

We call it the Obauer Cuisine

The ingre­di­ents and cul­ture of our region­al cui­sine are very impor­tant to us, but we know, that the culi­nary hori­zon expands past our coun­try. We call our way of cook­ing inte­gra­tive cui­sine, because we inte­grate every­thing, that makes the culi­nary expe­ri­ence spe­cial and unique.


Guest Rooms

At restau­rant-hotel Obauer only a few steps lie between your table and your sleep­ing quarters. 

Set in his­toric walls dat­ing back to the 15th cen­tu­ry our guest rooms fea­ture con­tem­po­rary design and are dec­o­rat­ed with many lov­ing details. Eleven rooms and three suites, are ready for your arrival.

Obauer for home

Del­i­ca­cies from the Obauer kitchen are here for you to be enjoyed any­time. Dif­fer­ent menu items can be ordered for deliv­ery or can be picked up in per­son. And while you are here, we invite you to stop by at the Obauer shop. A great selec­tion of del­i­ca­cies rang­ing from home­made jams to our deer sausage, gift vouch­ers, plus all of our Obauer cook­books can be found there.


Obauer's in private

Cook­ing well is also pos­si­ble at home. We do it dai­ly. Here are a few exam­ples from Obauer’s pri­vate kitchen. Watch all videos.

Gift Voucher

A culi­nary expe­ri­ence at Obauer’s is an amaz­ing present, and with an Obauer gift vouch­er you give an expe­ri­ence that will be remem­bered. Select the Obauer Break­fast, or a tour through the won­drous world of the Obauer cui­sine and we will make sure the recip­i­ent is treat­ed royally.



Knowl­edge can be passed on. The most clas­sic and most durable medi­um is still a book. Karl and Rudi have writ­ten some. They not only include the best recipes from our kitchen, but also share some of our view­points and phi­los­o­phy. You might be able to get some insight into Obauer’s world, and about the world in general.

We believe that the best recipe for life is to cre­ate and fol­low your own path, stay on course, and above all, be kind and thought­ful to all the peo­ple you encounter along the way. 

There is not real­ly a best recipe in our cook­books, but over 1000 tried and test­ed culi­nary cre­ations you can exper­i­ment with. We invite you to order a hand-signed copy either online or to get your copy right here in our restau­rant on your next visit. 

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We are opening in 14:00.

Orders for Obauer Breakfast

Thursday - Sunday
08:00 - 09:30

Orders for Obauer Kitchen

18:00 - 21:00
Thursday - Sunday
12:00 - 13:15 18:00 - 21:00