
The Restaurant

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The Obauer restaurant has received many awards but an even more important measurement to us is what our guests are saying. The creative compositions of our dishes, the excellent quality of the ingredients, and the craftsmanship from Rudi and Karl Obauer is what our guests appreciate the most.

The Obauer restaurant has received many awards but an even more important measurement to us is what our guests are saying. The creative compositions of our dishes, the excellent quality of the ingredients, and the craftsmanship from Rudi and Karl Obauer is what our guests appreciate the most.

That's how we dine in the countryside

Fine din­ing in a place where his­to­ry and mod­ern design meet up cre­ates a beau­ti­ful atmos­phere. Our house dates back to the 15th cen­tu­ry, and some of the mas­sive stone walls still remain, and will con­tin­ue to remain for many cen­turies to come.


History is alive

In recent years we have made many updates to our house. We focus on cre­at­ing the best pos­si­ble guest expe­ri­ence for you while pre­serv­ing the his­to­ry of our restau­rant. Next to the din­ing room we have added a bar and an apéri­tif area where you can relax and linger. We also cre­at­ed a space where we can enter­tain larg­er parties.

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Close to nature

Dur­ing the warmer months when the weath­er is nice we can serve you in our beau­ti­ful gar­den. Sur­round­ed by fresh moun­tain air, the scents of our herb gar­den, and in the com­pa­ny of our fruit trees, we promise you a sen­so­ry expe­ri­ence which might stim­u­late your appetite.

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Enjoyment in a relaxed atmosphere

A relaxed and sophis­ti­cat­ed table cul­ture is part of our din­ing expe­ri­ence, but we don’t over curate. In the gar­den we keep things a bit sim­pler, com­bin­ing good hos­pi­tal­i­ty with a max­i­mum of Aus­tri­an Gemütlichkeit.

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