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Discover events and activities in the Restaurant & Hotel Obauer and in the surrounding area.

Discover events and activities in the Restaurant & Hotel Obauer and in the surrounding area.


Dec 31, 2024

Genussvoll ins neue Jahr

Ver­brin­gen Sie den Jahreswech­sel im Restau­rant & Hotel Obauer in Wer­fen. Freuen Sie sich auf ein beson­deres Sil­vester­menü und…
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Jan 30, 2025 - 19:00

RENDEZ-VOUS Salzburg & Bordeaux

Eine kuli­nar­ische Reise in zwei Regio­nen4-Gänge Menü à la Obauer, fein­ste Salzburg­er Käs­espezial­itäten und erelsene Weine aus dem Bordeaux.…
Obauer fruehstueck walcher

Mar 15, 2025 - 10:00

Champagner Brunch

Das Obauer Früh­stück ver­wan­delt sich in einen Cham­pag­n­er-Brunch. Son­ntag, 16. März 202510 bis 14 Uhr Bitte gutes Schuh­w­erk mit­brin­gen: Nach…
Blick auf die Festung 7957

Art, cul­ture, and a unique his­to­ry: Since 1997, Salzburg has been part of the UNESCO World Her­itage – a city of out­stand­ing val­ue to human­i­ty.” Dis­cov­er it for your­self with a vis­it to Salzburg’s his­toric old town!


Salzburg Stadt

Art, cul­ture, and a unique his­to­ry: Since 1997, Salzburg has been part of the UNESCO World Her­itage – a city of out­stand­ing val­ue to human­i­ty.” Dis­cov­er it for your­self with a vis­it to Salzburg’s his­toric old town!
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Avail­able dai­ly, by reser­va­tion only. Prices start at €120.00 per sleigh. For more infor­ma­tion, please feel free to con­tact us. Two hors­es a sleigh and a lot of win­ter magic. 


Horse-drawn sleigh ride, family Steiger

Avail­able dai­ly, by reser­va­tion only. Prices start at €120.00 per sleigh. For more infor­ma­tion, please feel free to con­tact us. Two hors­es a sleigh and a lot of win­ter magic. 
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Elis­a­beth Hödl­moser warm­ly wel­comes you to her farm for a cheese tast­ing, avail­able by appointment.


Echt Kasig - one of our local cheese suppliers

Elis­a­beth Hödl­moser warm­ly wel­comes you to her farm for a cheese tast­ing, avail­able by appointment.
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Some of the region’s farm­ers offer their deli­cious spe­cial­ties in self-ser­vice shop in Wer­fen – from fresh veg­eta­bles and home­made cheese to fine dairy prod­ucts. These lov­ing­ly craft­ed prod­ucts reflect the qual­i­ty and diver­si­ty of the Salzburg region.

Open­ing hours

Mon­day to Sat­ur­day: 7 AM to 7 PM
Sun­days and pub­lic hol­i­days: 10 AM to 2 PM
Markt 22a, 5450 Werfen


local farmer shop - Lehengut

Some of the region’s farm­ers offer their deli­cious spe­cial­ties in self-ser­vice shop in Wer­fen – from fresh veg­eta­bles and home­made cheese to fine dairy prod­ucts. These lov­ing­ly craft­ed prod­ucts reflect the qual­i­ty and diver­si­ty of the Salzburg region.Opening hours Mon­day to Sat­ur­day: 7 AM to 7 PM Sun­days and pub­lic hol­i­days: 10 AM to 2 PMAd­dress Markt 22a, 5450 Werfen
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Wer­fen’s Eis­riesen­welt” [world of ice giants] is actu­al­ly the world’s biggest ice cave: The cave sys­tem extends more than 42 km deep into the moun­tain. The first sec­tion, about a kilo­me­ter in length, fea­tures impos­ing ice for­ma­tions and is open to the pub­lic. Since it is a pro­tect­ed nat­ur­al mon­u­ment, devel­op­ment of the cave has been painstak­ing­ly cau­tious in order to pre­serve its unique nat­ur­al beau­ty and ecosys­tem.
Dai­ly from May 1 to Octo­ber 312025

Tick­et Office (Vis­i­tor Center)8:30 AM3:00 PM

Cable Car (Ascent to the Cave)8:45 AM3:20 PM

Cave (Guid­ed Tours)9:30 AM3:45 PM



Wer­fen’s Eis­riesen­welt” [world of ice giants] is actu­al­ly the world’s biggest ice cave: The cave sys­tem extends more than 42 km deep into the moun­tain. The first sec­tion, about a kilo­me­ter in length, fea­tures impos­ing ice for­ma­tions and is open to the pub­lic. Since it is a pro­tect­ed nat­ur­al mon­u­ment, devel­op­ment of the cave has been painstak­ing­ly cau­tious in order to pre­serve its unique nat­ur­al beau­ty and ecosystem.Daily from May 1 to Octo­ber 31, 2025 Tick­et Office (Vis­i­tor Center)8:30 AM3:00 PM Cable Car (Ascent to the Cave)8:45 AM3:20 PM Cave (Guid­ed Tours)9:30 AM3:45 PM
Perfekte Pistenbedingungen

In the Salzburg Sports World of Ski amadé, 760 kilo­me­ters of ski slopes and hun­dreds of marked hik­ing trails await you.

The eight ski resorts of the Salzburg Sports World are all reach­able from Restau­rant Obauer with­in 15 to 35 minutes.


Ski Amadé

In the Salzburg Sports World of Ski amadé, 760 kilo­me­ters of ski slopes and hun­dreds of marked hik­ing trails await you. The eight ski resorts of the Salzburg Sports World are all reach­able from Restau­rant Obauer with­in 15 to 35 minutes.
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The Salzburg Fes­ti­val is one of the world’s most impor­tant fes­ti­vals for opera, music and dra­ma. The wide-rang­ing pro­gramme includes clas­sics and world-famous artists as well as a var­ied pro­gramme for young people.

19 July till 31 August, 2025


Salzburger Festsspiele

The Salzburg Fes­ti­val is one of the world’s most impor­tant fes­ti­vals for opera, music and dra­ma. The wide-rang­ing pro­gramme includes clas­sics and world-famous artists as well as a var­ied pro­gramme for young peo­ple. 19 July till 31 August, 2025
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The The Sound of Music” Trail stretch­es approx­i­mate­ly 1.4 kilo­me­ters from the town cen­ter to the Gschwand­tanger view­point. In addi­tion to the famous film­ing loca­tion, it offers a stun­ning panoram­ic view of the Salzach Val­ley. The walk­ing time is a max­i­mum of 45 minutes


Sound of Music Trail

The The Sound of Music” Trail stretch­es approx­i­mate­ly 1.4 kilo­me­ters from the town cen­ter to the Gschwand­tanger view­point. In addi­tion to the famous film­ing loca­tion, it offers a stun­ning panoram­ic view of the Salzach Val­ley. The walk­ing time is a max­i­mum of 45 minutes