AW OBAUER P0021573

Obauer, a statement

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We prepare a catfish with a dressing made of ginger, lovage extract, and garlic. East meets West, that's how easy it is!

We prepare a catfish with a dressing made of ginger, lovage extract, and garlic. East meets West, that's how easy it is!

Down to Earth, and open for the World

For gen­er­a­tions our fam­i­ly his­to­ry is close­ly con­nect­ed to the Salzburg region and to Wer­fen. The region, nature, and the peo­ple who live here have formed us. Our pro­fes­sion as hosts and chefs gave us the unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to trav­el. We were able to present our style of cook­ing in many coun­tries all over the world. We met so many remark­able peo­ple who inspired us. For this we are immense­ly grate­ful. This is how our down to earth stance has opened up to new hori­zons way beyond our moun­tains. We are peo­ple from Wer­fen, Salzburg­ers, Euro­peans, and cit­i­zens of the world. We are very proud of the eco­nom­ic and cul­tur­al achieve­ments of our coun­try and hope, to always be open for anoth­er perspective.

The fusion from here and afar, from ours to oth­ers, is present in our cook­ing and the way we greet our guests. Always a con­trast, always good, always spe­cial. Any­thing can be blend­ed in the micro cos­mos of cul­tur­al enjoy­ment. We pre­pare a cat­fish with a dress­ing made of gin­ger, lovage extract, and gar­lic. East meets West, that’s how easy it is!

Rudi, please don’t for­get: Paris is Paris, Stras­bourg is Stras­bourg, and Wer­fen is Werfen.”

Émile Jung, French chef, three Miche­lin stars