
The roads are clear!

Con­struc­tion work on the A10 Tauer­nau­to­bahn is sus­pend­ed in July and August!

Arrival by car
It takes approx­i­mate­ly 35 min­utes from Salzburg city to Obauer.

Arrival by train
The Obauer Restau­rant & Hotel is just a 5‑minute walk from Wer­fen train station.



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"If you know how to do it, it's not art -- and if you don't know how to do it, even more so."

Karl Valentin, Bavarian comedian, playright, clown, film producer

"If you know how to do it, it's not art -- and if you don't know how to do it, even more so."

Karl Valentin, Bavarian comedian, playright, clown, film producer

Craftsmanship and good soil The Obauer cusine

Excel­lent cui­sine is the sum of many dif­fer­ent parts. Best ingre­di­ents, cre­ativ­i­ty, and inspi­ra­tion. We pay close atten­tion to detail and are inspired by the desire to con­tin­u­ous­ly re-invent our­selves. Learn­ing is part of our dai­ly life. If this comes close to art, let oth­ers be the judge of that. We con­sid­er our­selves crafts­men that at times cre­ate some­thing artful.

AW OBAUER L1160828


The clas­sics and cre­ativ­i­ty are no oppo­sites. Gen­er­a­tions of chefs have amassed a wealth of knowl­edge and we love apply­ing this knowl­edge when devel­op­ing new recipes.

AW OBAUER L1160984

Not only at the stove

Plan­ing, prepar­ing, ripen­ing, con­serv­ing, fer­ment­ing, pick­ling, smok­ing and so much more are part of the process. All of that is done in-house, so we can cre­ate it just how we like it, and how we think its best.

AW OBAUER L1160390

From the source

We love excel­lence and qual­i­ty. Local­ly we are joined by many farm­ers, fish­er­men, cheese mak­ers, and gar­den­ers who are dri­ven by the same val­ues. We are grate­ful to call them our friends, and above all, we thank them for trust­ing us that we can trans­form their prod­ucts into some­thing unique.

AW OBAUER L1160467

Always a full pantry

A well-run kitchen requires good plan­ning and some fore­sight. If we can con­serve it, it will be put into jars, or it will be dried in the fresh moun­tain air. That way we have the best aro­mat­ic ingre­di­ents avail­able, while nature hibernates.

AW OBAUER L1170077

.... and freshly baked

From fresh­ly baked bread to almond cres­cents, all of it is baked in our bak­ery with the excep­tion of the much beloved Graubrot, a Miche bread made from rye and wheat flour, baked by a bread bak­er in the Wer­fen region. It is based on an old tra­di­tion­al recipe. She only bakes once a week, and this is how it has always been done. 

AW OBAUER L1160507