
The Obauer family cooks at home

Our cook­ing shows on Face­book and Insta­gram are a strict­ly pri­vate affair. They are gen­uine, with­out fuss, and sim­ple, says Rudi Obauer: we are cook­ing in our home and the chef changes fre­quent­ly. It could be me, my broth­er, my broth­er and I, my wife Ange­li­ka, or anoth­er fam­i­ly mem­ber. We are prepar­ing meals that we eat at home.”



New Year's Eve 2024

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Good taste, good company: celebrate the new year with us.

Good taste, good company: celebrate the new year with us.

December 31 Lunch & Dinner

Spend New Year’s Eve at the Restau­rant & Hotel Obauer in Wer­fen. Look for­ward to a spe­cial New Year’s Eve menu and start the new year with us.

Obauer menu2 silvester corr

Noon to 4 PM
7‑course € 270 | 5‑course € 195 | 4‑course € 155 | 3‑course € 115


From 6:30 PM
7‑course € 320
wine pair­ing 7‑glasses € 150

Book a room

We would be hap­py to inform you by phone or email about the avail­able room cat­e­gories and prices.

241 ED46 E 99 F4 471 F B0 DD D6 D2690 D418 C
7 EA28532 8 B4 B 45 F0 8445 7 F8 D093 BC841